Welcome to the weird and wonky world of The Random Scarves…
We are two music nuts the South of England who love to smother themselves and others in bass music on a regular basis, not a company selling attractive and affordable neck apparel…
Firstly apologies for the anthology of an email… we tried to get everything in and realised once we had finished that it was quite long (and also how many projects we are actually working on!) but we couldn’t really take anything out…
We wanted to drop you an email to let you know about all the musical things we are up to as we finally pulled our fingers out and started doing some of the 100 million tasks we always talk about but never do…
We won’t go into the “we started playing the ukulele when we were three years old but soon realised that the harp was really our thing when we met at stage school rehearsing for King Lear blah blah blah” If you do want to learn more about us you can visit www.randomscarves.com at your own leisure…. :o)
Firstly we wanted to let you know about our residency on Kane FM 103.7 based in Surrey http://www.kanefm.com/
We have been given the opportunity to throw some electronic noises at people on Tuesday nights, every fortnight from 10-12pm … So we created “The 140 Bass Show” to include all our favourite types of music in a 2 hour show with our own style of random rants and raves for comic amusement.
If you have any music (as artists, for your labels etc) you would like promoted during the show then please send us some tracks and any information you would like us to mention on the show to info@randomscarves.com . We play Electro Swing, Glitch Hop & 100bpm, Electro, Breaks, Dubstep, Future Jungle & Garage and all types of bass music in between. (And yes we are aware that this doesn’t really fit to the “140” name for the show but hey…. we have musical ADHD!)
Also we have 2 special features to really highlight 2 tracks per show… These features are called “The Random Friend” and “The Random Find”… the gist is we play a track in full for each feature and discuss more details about the track release, artists involved, record label and anything (within reason!! ;o) that needs to be promoted. If you would like your track or release to be included in either of these features then please just mention which you would like to be selected for in your email to us.
We will also play your tracks in our live sets at the various events we are booked for and our own promoted events of course and if you would like us to give out promo CDs or promotional material at any of our events just let us know and we will tell you where and when to send them.
Secondly.... the tunes we have been knocking up in The Scarf Cave!!
We have been signed to the Italian Breakbeat label "Young NRG Productions" run by DJ Stex. We have been releasing our series of “Lunch Breaks” EPs over the last few months, with Part 4 being released on Juno and other reputable download stores this month.
We wanted to send you some links to the full quality promo versions for the next releases we have coming up in case you were lacking in some new wonky music to throw into your sets or radio shows? You can listen to and download the next 2 tracks below if you fancy it… Of course we know that our tunes are not everyone’s cup of tea so we won’t be offended if you laugh and press stop after 15 seconds!!!
Lunch Breaks Part 5 will be released at the end of April featuring Radzta on his mighty Stratocaster (and in a Rod Stewart wig too!!)
Cunning feat Radzta by The Random Scarves
DOWNLOAD LINK 320 MP3 (File Size)
Sub Parade by The Random Scarves
DOWNLOAD LINK 320 MP3 (File Size)
We won’t bore you by putting a mass amount of Soundcloud players in this email as that is just overkill but if you do want to receive a promo copy of all of our releases in the future then please just send us an email to info@randomscarves.com to let us know you want to join the promo list. We have a load more releases coming up as well as a lot of free tunes to give out over the next few months. Just ask us for a schedule of our releases etc if you want to know what is coming up.
Thirdly, for artists and record labels…
We know that it is nice to have remixes or collabs made for tracks and we personally love collaborating and making remixes (mainly because we have to do half the creative work because it has been done for us!!! HA! ;o)
But seriously… we would be really interested in remixing tracks for anyone if they would like us to add our own twisted vision to their musical babies… We always make sure we meet deadlines no matter what and we can whip up top quality and detailed remixes in a quick timescale as we always prioritise those projects first (and we rarely sleep!). We can always come to an arrangement and we are very accommodating with requests so just send us an email to info@randomscarves.com if you would like us involved in any of your projects.
If you have reached this far, you deserve a reward… you have earned a sloppy wet smooch from Jim or a Lego replica of David Guetta depending on which you prefer…
Thanks for taking the time to read our waffle and we hope to hear from you lovely musical people soon… however if you do not want us to send you anymore crazy wafflings of unsettled minds then please just send us back an email with “Leave Me Alone” in the subject line and we will pester no more!!

Yours musically,
Ash and Jim
The Random Scarves
Soundcloud Facebook Twitter
We are two music nuts the South of England who love to smother themselves and others in bass music on a regular basis, not a company selling attractive and affordable neck apparel…
Firstly apologies for the anthology of an email… we tried to get everything in and realised once we had finished that it was quite long (and also how many projects we are actually working on!) but we couldn’t really take anything out…
We wanted to drop you an email to let you know about all the musical things we are up to as we finally pulled our fingers out and started doing some of the 100 million tasks we always talk about but never do…
We won’t go into the “we started playing the ukulele when we were three years old but soon realised that the harp was really our thing when we met at stage school rehearsing for King Lear blah blah blah” If you do want to learn more about us you can visit www.randomscarves.com at your own leisure…. :o)
Firstly we wanted to let you know about our residency on Kane FM 103.7 based in Surrey http://www.kanefm.com/
We have been given the opportunity to throw some electronic noises at people on Tuesday nights, every fortnight from 10-12pm … So we created “The 140 Bass Show” to include all our favourite types of music in a 2 hour show with our own style of random rants and raves for comic amusement.
If you have any music (as artists, for your labels etc) you would like promoted during the show then please send us some tracks and any information you would like us to mention on the show to info@randomscarves.com . We play Electro Swing, Glitch Hop & 100bpm, Electro, Breaks, Dubstep, Future Jungle & Garage and all types of bass music in between. (And yes we are aware that this doesn’t really fit to the “140” name for the show but hey…. we have musical ADHD!)
Also we have 2 special features to really highlight 2 tracks per show… These features are called “The Random Friend” and “The Random Find”… the gist is we play a track in full for each feature and discuss more details about the track release, artists involved, record label and anything (within reason!! ;o) that needs to be promoted. If you would like your track or release to be included in either of these features then please just mention which you would like to be selected for in your email to us.
We will also play your tracks in our live sets at the various events we are booked for and our own promoted events of course and if you would like us to give out promo CDs or promotional material at any of our events just let us know and we will tell you where and when to send them.
Secondly.... the tunes we have been knocking up in The Scarf Cave!!
We have been signed to the Italian Breakbeat label "Young NRG Productions" run by DJ Stex. We have been releasing our series of “Lunch Breaks” EPs over the last few months, with Part 4 being released on Juno and other reputable download stores this month.
We wanted to send you some links to the full quality promo versions for the next releases we have coming up in case you were lacking in some new wonky music to throw into your sets or radio shows? You can listen to and download the next 2 tracks below if you fancy it… Of course we know that our tunes are not everyone’s cup of tea so we won’t be offended if you laugh and press stop after 15 seconds!!!
Lunch Breaks Part 5 will be released at the end of April featuring Radzta on his mighty Stratocaster (and in a Rod Stewart wig too!!)
Cunning feat Radzta by The Random Scarves
DOWNLOAD LINK 320 MP3 (File Size)
Sub Parade by The Random Scarves
DOWNLOAD LINK 320 MP3 (File Size)
We won’t bore you by putting a mass amount of Soundcloud players in this email as that is just overkill but if you do want to receive a promo copy of all of our releases in the future then please just send us an email to info@randomscarves.com to let us know you want to join the promo list. We have a load more releases coming up as well as a lot of free tunes to give out over the next few months. Just ask us for a schedule of our releases etc if you want to know what is coming up.
Thirdly, for artists and record labels…
We know that it is nice to have remixes or collabs made for tracks and we personally love collaborating and making remixes (mainly because we have to do half the creative work because it has been done for us!!! HA! ;o)
But seriously… we would be really interested in remixing tracks for anyone if they would like us to add our own twisted vision to their musical babies… We always make sure we meet deadlines no matter what and we can whip up top quality and detailed remixes in a quick timescale as we always prioritise those projects first (and we rarely sleep!). We can always come to an arrangement and we are very accommodating with requests so just send us an email to info@randomscarves.com if you would like us involved in any of your projects.
If you have reached this far, you deserve a reward… you have earned a sloppy wet smooch from Jim or a Lego replica of David Guetta depending on which you prefer…
Thanks for taking the time to read our waffle and we hope to hear from you lovely musical people soon… however if you do not want us to send you anymore crazy wafflings of unsettled minds then please just send us back an email with “Leave Me Alone” in the subject line and we will pester no more!!
Yours musically,
Ash and Jim
The Random Scarves
Soundcloud Facebook Twitter
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