Competiton - Win iMaschine By NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH for Ipad or iPhone & get your mix released on Young NRG at Beatport, Junodownload, iTunes
START 18th May - END 14th June 2013
Simply follow these 4 steps to enter:
1)Download the parts:
2) Create your remix
3) Upload your track to the SoundCloud dropbox : Young-nrg-productions – Dropbox
4) Share on FB
The winning remix will be released in an official remix package to be sold on Junodownload, Beatport, iTunes.
iMASCHINE is an intuitive beat sketch pad perfect for developing song ideas anytime, anywhere.
iMASCHINE is an intuitive beat sketch pad perfect for developing song ideas anytime, anywhere.
Review by JUNO: Stex's journey around the solar system touches down closer to home as we hit "Earth". With the jaunty, glitchy acid-based groove you could be fooled into thinking the landing will be bumpy, but with a heaven-sent synth blast on the drop, it's actually one of Stex's smoothest inter-planetary connections to date. Looking to land with a little more glamour and mischief? Head for the percussion heavy vocal version. Happy landings!
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