Miami Bass Awards - The Winners

And the winners are 
Best DJ National: DJ Icey
Best DJ International: Deekline
Best Producer National: DJ Huda Hudia
Best Producer International: Stanton Warriors 
Best Duo/Supergroup Natonal: Dynamix II
Best Duo/Supergroup International Stanton Warriors
Best Up And Coming Artist National: AudioBotz FL
Best Up And Coming Artist Internatonal: Adam Vyt

We would like to say thank you to everyone who is involved in this and helped us make this happen.
we had over 800 votes and this is what the people voted!
congrats to all the artists nominated and to those who won the awards!!
next year will be bigger as we plan to grow this to the next level and help further push the artists that are working hard out to the masses! keep them doap tunes coming!!
you can pick up your awards at Game Of Throwdowns event ceremony and artist meet and greet starts at 7pm-8pm.
Symphonic Distribution will be present to award more goodies to the winners!! 
